Sunday, June 24, 2012

Hi all! this is going to be the place where i write, process and discover the mystery and adventure that I experience in Kenya this summer!
a little update on what I'm doing: I am working at the orphanage in Nairobi Kenya, run by the Rafiki Foundation ( for 2 months this summer! The orphanage has 99 kids, that are split into 8 cottages-each cottage run by one mother (mama). It has been so fun to get to know the kids, and the staff (stories I will share through out the next couple weeks!)
sorry for the slow start...we haven't had access to internet, but i will hopefully be updating regularly; posting picturing and telling stories to capture every aspect i interact with here in, transportation, education, poverty, culture, animals, anecdotes..its all to come so stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Katester, We got hooked into your Blog & also the Inn's. Thanks!
    Looking forward to seeing some your pictures & more comments. Bet the Safari was a blast? I am
    so jealous!!!
    Hope the rash is better?
    Love you & stay safe,
    Grandfather & Grandmother
